The Elements

A new anthology of poems and photographs has been published (November 2022) by Eithon Bridge Publications. It is the latest in a series of multi-media anthologies featuring Gloucestershire-based poets, including members of Cheltenham Poetry Society and supporters of Gloucestershire Stanza. All seventeen contributing poets attended the CPS annual Awayday at Dumbleton Hall in May 2022, where the theme of The Elements was the focus of the workshops and writing exercises. The resulting book, edited by CPS Chair Roger Turner and me, contains four sections, inspired by Earth, Air, Fire and Water. There are 59 poems and over 30 photographs on these themes in the anthology which has been part-funded by Cheltenham Poetry Society and the contributing poets: David Ashbee, Belinda Rimmer, Penny Howarth, Michael Newman, Sheila Spence, Christine Griffin, Stuart Nunn, Catherine Baker, Penny Lamport, Robin Gilbert, Iris Anne Lewis, Annie Ellis, Roger Turner, Gill Garrett, Gill Wyatt, Alice Ross and me. Endorsements on the back cover are by poet and academic, David Clarke, and poet Rona Laycock. Copies are available to purchase (£10) from the contributing poets or (£10 + p&p) from the Eithon Bridge website http://eithonbridge/bookstore.

Previous anthologies of poems and photographs in this series include Cheltenham 300, Poetry from Gloucestershire and Inspired by Music.